Welcome! 🙏

Join us for our Bitcoin Core full node setup party at Assembly in Downtown Norfolk from 5:15pm to around 7pm!

The goal is to give people new to Bitcoin and experienced users some insight into the reference implementation of the Bitcoin Protocols. We will work through getting a Bitcoin Full node setup and discuss topics like self custody, cold vs. hot wallets and best practices.

Please bring a laptop or computer to participate in running a Bitcoin full node.


  1. Please RSVP to the meetup https://www.meetup.com/norfolk-bitdevs/events/289770479/
  2. Please install git on your machine. https://git-scm.com/downloads
  3. Take a look at the Bitcoin Core prerequisites. If you get stuck installing any of the prerequisites, we can help during the meetup. https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/doc/dependencies.md